Below is a list of the most common types of mold found in the United States. This is not a complete list of mold species, nor all of the types that are present in the US. They are the most dominant types found in nature and in contaminated properties.
- Alternaria
- Arthrinium
- Ascospores
- Aspergillus
- Aureobasidium
- Basidiospores
- Bipolaris / Drechslera Group
- Botrytis
- Chaetomium
- Cladosporium
- Curvularia
- Epicoccum
- Fusarium
- Memnoniella
- Myrothecium
- Nigrospora
- Penicillium
- Pithomyces
- Rusts
- Smuts, Periconia, Myxomycetes
- Stachybotrys
- Stemphylium
- Torula
- Ulocladium
- Zygomycetes
Alternaria belongs to a Division of the fungi called the Deuteromycota. The word means "neuter fungi" and they are called this because they have no sexual spore stage (meiospores). It grows rapidly and the colony size reaches a diameter of 3 to 9 cm following incubation at 25°C for 7 days on potato glucose agar*. The colony is flat, downy to woolly and is covered by grayish, short, aerial hyphae in time. The surface is grayish white at the beginning which later darkens and becomes greenish black or olive brown with a light border. The reverse side is typically brown to black due to pigment production.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
Arthrinium is a mold that lacks a known sexual state. It grows rapidly, reaching a colony size of 3 to 9 cm in diameter following incubation at 25°C for 7 days on potato glucose agar*. The colonies are woolly to cottony and white with brown spots on the surface.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
Ascospores are produced in a sac-like structure called an ascus. Ascus is spore-bearing cell of the fungi classification Ascomycota, which covers a huge number of fungi genera around the world.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
Aspergillus fumigatus is the most common species of Aspergillus. Aspergillus fumigatus colonies grow rapidly. On potato dextrose agar* at 25°C are smoky gray-green with a slight yellow reverse. Some isolates may display a lavender diffusible pigment. Very mature colonies turn slate gray. Texture is woolly to cottony to somewhat granular. Atypical isolates may remain white with little conidiation. It likes high temperatures and its optimum temperature for growth is about 37°C (blood temperature). It is not surprising, therefore, that it is also known as a parasite of humans, other mammals and birds.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
Aureobasidium pullulans is the only well-known species of Aureobasidium. It grows moderately rapidly and matures within 7 days of incubation. The colony diameter is 1 to 3 cm following incubation at 25°C for 7 days on potato glucose agar*. The colonies are flat, smooth, moist, yeast-like, mucoid to pasty, shiny and leathery in appearance. The surface is white, pale pink or yellow at the beginning and becomes brown to black and velvety with a grayish fringe by aging. Reverse is pale or black.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
Basidiospores are sexually produced fungal spore that is born on basidium. A basidium typically bears four basidiospores.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
Bipolaris / Drechslera Group
Bipolaris colonies grow rapidly, reaching a diameter of 3 to 9 cm following incubation at 25°C for 7 days on potato dextrose agar*. The colony becomes mature within 5 days. The texture is velvety to woolly. The surface of the colony is initially white to grayish brown and becomes olive green to black with a raised grayish periphery as it matures. The reverse is also darkly pigmented and olive to black in color.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
Botrytis cinerea is the most common species of Botrytis. It is a very common plant parasitic found on weakened plant tissues. It grows rapidly, reaching a colony size of 3 to 9 cm in diameter, following incubation at 25°C for 7 days on potato glucose agar*. The texture is woolly. The surface color is white at the beginning and becomes gray to brown in time. Dark spots may be observed on the surface of the colony. Reverse is dark.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
Chaetomium contains several species. The most common are Chaetomium atrobrunneum, Chaetomium funicola, Chaetomium globosum, and Chaetomium strumarium. Its colonies are rapidly growing, cottony and white in color initially. Mature colonies become gray to olive in color. From the reverse, the color is tan to red or brown to black.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
The most common species of Cladosporium include Cladosporium elatum, Cladosporium herbarum, Cladosporium sphaerospermum, and Cladosporium cladosporioides. The growth rate of Cladosporium colonies is moderate on potato dextrose agar* at 25°C and the texture is velvety to powdery. Similar to the other dematiaceous fungi, the color is olivaceous green to black from the front and black from the reverse. Most of the Cladosporium spp. do not grow at temperatures above 35°C.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
Curvularia contains several species. Curvularia lunata is the most prevalent cause of disease in humans and animals. Curvularia produces rapidly growing, woolly colonies on potato dextrose agar* at 25°C. From the front, the color of the colony is white to pinkish gray initially and turns to olive brown or black as the colony matures. From the reverse, it is dark brown to black.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
Epicoccum contains a single species, Epicoccum purpurascens. Epicoccum grows rapidly and produces woolly to cottony or felty colonies on potato dextrose agar* at 25°C. From the front, the colonies are yellow to orange, orange to red or pink initially and become greenish brown to black by aging. From the reverse, the same color is observed but is usually more intense than in the front view. Epicoccum may produce a diffusible pigment which turns the color of the inoculated medium to yellow, orange, red or brown. Black dots may be observed macroscopically on the colony surface. These are the tufts of hyphae which have conidiophores on their surface. These tufts of hyphae are cushion-shaped and non convoluted and are called sporodochia.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
Fusarium contains several species. The most common of these are Fusarium solani, Fusarium oxysporum, and Fusarium chlamydosporum. Fusarium spp. grow rapidly on Sabouraud dextrose agar* at 25°C and produce woolly to cottony, flat, spreading colonies. The only slow-growing species is Fusarium dimerum. From the front, the color of the colony may be white, cream, tan, salmon, cinnamon, yellow, red, violet, pink, or purple. From the reverse, it may be colorless, tan, red, dark purple, or brown.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
Myrothecium echinata is considered a powerful cellulolytic cellulose decomposer. It is very similar to Stachybotrys, except it produces its spores in chains.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
Myrothecium verrucaria is the most common species in the Myrothecium genus. It is considered a powerful cellulose decomposer.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
Nigrospora sphaerica is the most well-known species of the genus Nigrospora. Nigrospora grows rapidly and produces woolly colonies on potato dextrose agar* at 25°C. The colonies mature within 4 days. Color of the colony is white initially and then becomes gray with black areas and turns to black eventually from both front and reverse. Sporulation may take more than 3 weeks for some isolates.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
Penicillium is one of the most commonly occurring fungi. The colonies of Penicillium other than Penicillium marneffei are rapid growing, flat, filamentous, and velvety, woolly, or cottony in texture. The colonies are initially white and become blue green, gray green, olive gray, yellow or pinkish in time. The plate reverse is usually pale to yellowish.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
Pithomyces is generally classified as a dematiaceous (dark-walled) fungus. The surface of these spores ranges from smooth, to slightly rough with small pointed projections, to warty with large, wide projections.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
There are 5000 known species of rusts belonging to at least 150 different genera. Rusts are considered a parasite to many types of plants and the cause of great economic loss for cultivated crops.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
Smuts, Periconia, Myxomycetes
Considered plant parasites. Often found with dust. These three types of fungi are linked when testing because of their similarities and the difficulty in distinguishing them from each other.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
There is only one species of Stachybotrys, Stachybotrys chartarum. It has been nicknamed the "black mold" or "toxic mold" by the media. Stachybotrys produces cottony, rapidly growing colonies which mature in about 4 days. From both front and reverse, the color of the colony is white initially and turns to black by aging.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
The most common species of Stemphylium is Stemphylium macrosporoideum. Colonies of Stemphylium grow rapidly and mature in 5 days. At 25°C and on potato dextrose agar*, they are velvety to cottony in texture. From the front, the color is gray, brown, or brownish-black. Reverse is black.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
Torula is a genus of wild yeasts that are imperfect and never form sexual spores. It is generally classified as a dematiaceous (dark-walled) fungus.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
Ulocladium has two species under it, Ulocladium chartarum and Ulocladium botrytis. Colonies of Ulocladium grow moderately rapidly. At 25°C and on potato dextrose agar*, the colonies are wooly to cottony. From the front and the reverse, the color is olive brown to black.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
Zygomycetes is a class of fungus, not a particular genre. The classes include three orders, Mucorales, Mortierellales, and Entomophthorales. This class of fungi are extremely fast growing and can inhibit other fungi when competing for food or space.
Natural Habitat |
Methods of Spore Dispersion |
Potential Allergenic |
Potential Health Effects |
Potential Mycotoxins Produced |
Identifiable Through Testing |
* Using potato glucose/dextrose agar and Sabouraud dextrose agar are common laboratory method for studying mold growth and other behaviors.
Note: This library lists the common types of mold found during testing, their most common natural habitat, the means of their dispersion/dissemination, if they're considered a potential allergenic, their potential health effects, and other information. Side effects of mold exposure will vary from person to person. The information presented here is based upon medical and scientific findings from a variety of sources. The effects of mold as it relates to human health has been studied and studies are continuing.
New Day Homes specializes in Mold Inspections in the Magnolia Texas area.